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Guests and Speakers of the HHU Career Days

Our guests… name competencies that are unexpectedly important for their jobs.

Day 1  — On site event

Panel discussion guests
How do I use my competence portfolio for my (future) job?

Day 2  — Online Information Sessions

09:35 - 10:15
Getting into the job with a doctoral degree– For graduates from the humanities, cultural and social sciences (in German)

09:35 - 10:15
Getting into the job after obtaining a doctoral degree …for graduates of the Life and Natural Sciences

10:30 - 11:30
Becoming a faculty member at a University of Applied Sciences (in German)

10:30 - 11:30
Internationals on the German job market

11:45 - 12:20
A career in the cultural sector (in German)

11:45 - 12:20
A career in industry

12:25 - 13:00
Working in the Public Sector for graduates from the humanities, cultural and social sciences (in German)

12:25 - 13:00
Working in the Public Sector for graduates from the life and natural sciences