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HeRA travel grants for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers for research stays abroad

Heine Research Academies are pleased to announce funding support for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers for research stays abroad in the framework of a HHU research project. Here you will find all information about available funding and application requirements:

  • Research stays abroad, which are part of a HHU research project.
  • Travel grants will be paid as a lump sum of 1500€ per month (for shorter stays accordingly).
  • Duration of stay: min. 2 weeks up to max. 3 month.
  • The remaining expenses of the research stay must be financed by the respective institutes or through other funds. Financing of the remaining expenses through the applicants themselves is not possible.
  • Doctoral researchers who are members of the graduate academies at Heinrich Heine University (iGRADmedRSDphilGRAD). Doctoral researchers should have completed a course in "Good Scientific Practice" at the graduate academies.
  • Postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at HHU up to 10 years after their doctoral degree. Postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences need to be registered at the graduate academy iGRAD. Junior-Professors and postdoctoral researchers with permanent employment contracts at HHU can not apply for the traveling grants. Postdocs working at the IUF, the DDZ or the FZ Jülich are only eligible to apply if they have an employment contract with HHU.
  • The relevance and benefit of the research stay for the research project need to be depicted comprehensible.
  • Additional expenses for the trip must be financed by the respective institutes or through other funds. Financing of the remaining expenses through the applicants themselves is not possible.
  • Doctoral researchers can get funded once during their doctoral research. Postdoctoral researchers can get funded once in three years.
  • The application for HeRA travel grants must be submitted before the start of the trip. Please note the application deadlines
  • Upon acceptance of the HeRA travel grants the funded researchers commit themselves to participation at a presentation event in the framework of the HeRA travel grants programme.
  • In case external funds for traveling are available for the specific research project (e.g. from DFG projects, graduate programmes), theses funds should be use preferentially.
  • Applications can be submitted four times a year. The application has to be submitted at one of the four application deadlines, before the start of the research stay. Please submit your application in good time before your planned trip.
  • Annual application deadlines:
    • 28.02. (recommended deadline for research stays in May, June, July)
    • 31.05. (recommended deadline for research stays in August, September, and October)
    • 31.08. (recommended deadline for research stays in November, December, and January of the upcoming year)
    • 30.11. (recommended deadline for research stays in February, March, and April of the upcoming year)

Please apply for HeRA travel grants in good time before your planned trip by filling out the application form at the Online-Application Portal. At the end of the application form you will have the opportunity to upload additionally required documents (see list below). Your application will be considered in the upcoming selection process. The selection committee consists of the graduate academies programme coordinators, three professors from HHU (one from each faculty) and the spokesperson of Heine Research Academies.

Please up-load the required documents in the following order in a single PDF document at the Online-Application Portal:

  1. Letter of invitation of foreign host institution.
  2. Abstract the planed research project abroad (max. 1 page)
  3. Letter of motivation (max. 1 page).
  4. Letter of support from supervisor (please use Form 1)
  5. CV, including publication list if applicable
  6. Copy of the certificate of last university degree of staff member (Bachelor, Master or PhD degree)
  7. if applicable, proof of applications for additional funding for the travel expenses.
  8. for postdocs working at the IUF, DDZ or the FZ Jülich: Proof of an employment contract with HHU