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pART of Research - Calendar 2017

Early career researchers of all HHU faculties were asked to show the world what (their) research looks like in the 21st century. 23 images had been submitted and were put to the public vote until the end of June 2016. Almost 900 voters took part in selecting the twelve most popular images that will now be shown in the “pARTofResearch” calendar of Heine Research Academies for 2017.

Here, we show the selected images that will be displayed in the first "pART of Research" calendar of Heine Research Academies. Congratulations to all winners!!

pART of Research awards show and official calendar presentation on October 31, 2016

1. Fibril Fireworks

Michael Wördehoff

Institute of Physical Biology / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"The picture shows fibrils of the protein alpha-synuclein, imaged by fluorescence microscopy. Alpha-synuclein fibrils play a key role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease."

2. Attracting

Andreas Klein

Institute for Bioorganic Chemistry (IBOC) at FZ Jülich / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"The red-coloured natural compound prodigiosin is produced by bacteria and can be used as an anticancer- and antibiotic agent. Small foam cubes in the culture medium are able to adsorb the natural compound which offers an easy extraction."

3. Channel on fire

Anna-Marie Schroer

Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"A photo taken by a laser of a high intensity and ultrashort laserpuls hitting a gastarget. This focused laser is digging a plasmachannel through the dense gas."

4. Neuronales Netzwerk von humanen Stammzellen <span style="font-size:14pt;font-style:italic;">in vitro</span>

Laura Nimtz

Institute for Environmental Medicine / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"Bei dem Foto handelt es sich um ein immunzytochemisch gefärbtes neuronales Netzwerk, welches aus humanen Stammzellen differenziert wurde. Gut zu erkennen sind die Vernetzungen der Neurone (grün/gelb) und die großen Ansammlungen der Zellkerne (blau/violett). Schaut man genau hin, so lassen sich ebenfalls winzige synaptische Verknüpfungen (rot) der einzelnen Neurone erkennen."

5. Colors of Biochemistry

Sven Reimann

Institute of Biochemistry / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie

"Determination of the activity of an ABC-transporter"

6. Plasma wavebreaking

Dr. John Farmer

Institute for Theoretical Physics I / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"The image shows an electron wave excited by two laser pulses in plasma. Three different scales are shown, and different effects become visible as you zoom in."

7. Green Biotechnology

Florian Hahn

Institut of Plant Biochemistry / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"My research focus on the CRISPR/Cas9 system, a new method for specific gene editing in plants. Here, I disrupted a gene that is responsible for leaf hair formation in a part of the leaf."

8. Target-Graveyard

Stephanie Brauckmann

Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

Tidying up what's left after a terawatt laser pulse hits a handmade micrometer thick wire structure. Due to this interaction a current almost as fast as the speed of light is racing through the target's veins.

9. Stem Cell Rhino

Dr. Nina Graffmann

Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine / Medical Faculty

"A long microscopy session can sometimes replace a big game safari."

10. Neural Fireworks

Christine Baksmeier

Department of Neurology (UKD) / Medical Faculty

"Neural Fireworks shows an organotypic slice culture of a mouse cerebellum. Neurons and microglia were stained by immunhistochemistry. The picture was taken by a fluorescence microscope in 20 fold magnification and the colouring was processed creativly afterwards."

11. Blumen einmal anders?

Jenia Schlegel

Institut für Entwicklungsgenetik / Math.-Nat.-Fakultät

"Infloreszenz Meristem einer Arabidopsis thaliana Pflanze."

12. Büchertreppe

Svenja Wiertz

Institute for Philosophy / Faculty of Arts and Humanities

"Schritt für Schritt, von Buch zu Buch: Der Blick verschwimmt und die Zahl der Notizzettel wächst..."