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pART of Research - Calendar 2018

Early career researchers of all HHU faculties were asked to show the world what (their) research looks like in the 21st century - no matter what, whether microscopic, endoscopic, philosophic, whether real, surreal or unreal. The 12 calendar images for 2018 have been selected by over 1300 people voting for their favorite image(s). On November 10, 2017 the 2018 calendar has been officially introduced by Heine Research Academies.

From now on the calendar is available for free as long as stocks last at Heine Research Academies (in the offices of iGRAD, medRSDphilGRAD und JUNO).

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on the pART of Research calendar 2018

Neural traffic lights

Eva Salveridou

Institute for Environmental Medicine / Faculty of Math. and Nat. Scie.

"This picture shows a primary cortical culture of a mouse brain,in which astrocytes (red) and neurons (green) are coloured with an immunhistochemical staining. The addition of the thyroidhormone T3 shows a dose-dependent increase of both celltypes. "

Actin Cytoskeleton of Muscle Cells

Leonie Grube

Molecular Proteomics Laboratory (MPL), BMFZ / Medical Faculty

"The image shows immunocytochemical stained actin cytoskeleton structures of mouse skeletal muscle cells."

The Heart of Immunity

Dr. Sha Tao

Institute of Virology (UKD)/ Medical Faculty

"It is a mouse spleen slide shows marginal zone macrophage (red) B cells (pink) and red pulp (blue)."

Sticky snack for elephant-shrews

Dr. Petra Wester

Institute of Sensory Ecology/ Faculty of Math. and Nat. Scie.

"A Cape elephant-shrew licks sticky nectar with its long tongue from flowers of the Pagoda lily. Pollen is transferred from the flowers onto the fur of the elephant-shrew’s long nose (see tip of nose) and from the fur to the stigma of the flower (behind the nose). "

Night shift

Sascha Steltgens

Institute of Neuropathology / Medical Faculty

"Science is not colorful. It means hard work at the late hours. During the weekend. Resulting graphs are plain black on white background. Knowledge may increase by interpreting these. Fulfilling."

Discoveries of Potential Drug Targets and New Pharmaceutical Compounds (Kopie 1)

Mohammed Rizwan Babu Sait

Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology/ Faculty of Math. and Nat. Scie.

"There is an increase in the population affected by antibiotic resistant bacteria which has now resulted in finding alternative pharmaceutical compounds that can act as potential defense mechanism against the infecting pathogens. Interestingly, Fungi can significantly contribute to the production of new pharmaceutical compounds like Penicillin in 1928."

From Thought to Word

Jasmin Pfeifer

Institute for Language Technology and Information Science / Faculty of Arts and Humanities

"My research is focused on speech perception processes in the brain. This picture shows how a thought is transferred to the hearer as an acoustic speech signal and how her brain reacts to a speech signal, (schematically) made visible here by using electroencephalography (EEG)."

Differentiating rat neurosphere

Laura Nimtz

Institute for Environmental Medicine / Faculty of Math. & Nat. Scie.

"The neurosphere was differentiated for only three days with the insecticidal compound DDT. The differentiation area was immunocytochemically stained with a specific neuronal marker (pink) and a nuclei marker (green). Without any exposure of a toxic compound the differentiation area exhibits no gaps – thus DDT seems to decrease the development of rat neural cells."

Matter of opinion

Nina Kessler, Wiebke Ehrlich, Vanessa Stahlhut, Florian Reinhardt, André Franken

Forschungslabor der Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe / Medical Faculty

How can you say one gel is better than another? Gel imaging inspired by Andy Warhol!.

Kapillaren an der Nagelfalz (Kopie 1)

Mahmoud Almobayed

Poliklinik und Funktionsbereich für Rheumatologie und Hiller Forschungszentrum / Medical Faculty

"Capillary microscopy is intended to optimize diagnostic algorithms for the early detection of collagenoses and serve as biomarker for the course of collagenoses. In addition, the use of capillary microscopy for other diseases with potential involvement of microcirculation is analyzed."

Plasma Channel (Kopie 1)

Dr. Bastian Aurand

Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics / Faculty of Math.&Nat. Scie.

"Laser induced plasma channel in a gas capillary"

The Perfect Pair: Berliners & Research (Kopie 1)

Sarah Lucht

Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine / Medical Faculty

"This photo was taken during Karneval and reflects the fun spirit of the season – you can’t escape the festivities even while hard at work on your thesis!"