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Workshops and Courses

On these pages you find all workshops and vocational training courses offered by Heine Research Academies and its member academies iGRAD, medRSD and philGRAD as well as JUNO.
All workshops are sorted according to the specific target group. If you are interested in any of them, please contact the relevant organizers directly.

Events and Courses by target group

Potential doctoral researchers please contact the corresponding graduate academy of the faculty

Potential doctoral researchers of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration please contact the deans office.

Doctoral researchers qualify and train at their corrsponding graduate academy at their faculty.  You can also enrol in courses offered by the other graduate academies, if this makes sense from a professional point of view. You can find the respective offers on the event pages of the faculties graduate academies:

Doctoral researchers of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration please contact the deans office

Postdocs, Research group leaders and Junior professors of all faculties can obtain soft skill competences at

For obtaining subject specific competencies please contact the graduate academy of your faculty

Supervisors receive specific offers in the respective graduate academy of their faculty

Additional seminars and courses offered by other HHU institutions

Here you can find events and courses run by HHU institutions which partly count towards the curricula in the graduate academies. If you are interested in any of them, please first contact your graduate academy to check whether they can be taken into account in your curriculum. Most of the courses offered are in German!

The own competence and skill development