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| HeRA-News

pART of Research Competition - 12 most popular images have been selected

Early career researchers of all HHU faculties were asked to show the world what (their) research looks like in the 21st century. 25 images had been…

| HeRA-News

29.06.2016 Heine-Slam final and afterslamparty

Heine Research Academies are hosting the second university wide undefined HEINE SLAM. Young researchers slam in the battle of the faculties. They are…

| HeRA-News

Successful kick-off: First Research Funding Day for Early Career Researchers at HHU

The first HHU Research Funding Day (5.4.2016) has been an informative day for Early Career Researchers. About 150 young academics of Heinrich Heine…

| HeRA-News

pART of Research Competition

What does research look like in the 21st century? Show the world your research reality! Whether microscopic, endoscopic, or philosophic, whether real,…

| HeRA-News

Postdoctoral Fellowships of Daimler and Benz Stiftung

The Daimler and Benz Foundation awards ten scholarships to exceptional postdoctoral students, assistant professors, and young managers of new research…

| HeRA-News

Apply now for HeRA travel grants! (Kopie 1)

Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers can apply until the 30th of June for travel grants for international conferences in September, October and…

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